Our documents | Osokorky Wetland Park Official
  • Phone: (123) 0200 12345
  • ecopark.osokorky@gmail.com
Our documents
We believe that the final victory in creating the park can be achieved only on the legal front, so significant efforts have been focused on the legal struggle.

Below are some of the documents we submitted to various government agencies, including courts, prosecutors, the GPU, NABU, the Kyiv City Council, the Kyiv City State Administration, deputies of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Verkhovna Rada.

Our main goal is to stop construction and create a city park and Osokorky Wetland Park in this area.
What is Osokorky wetland park?
Environmental justification
If an ordinary urban park is created on the area adjacent to Kolektorna Street, then the lands spreading further to the south behind Nebrezh lake should be given full-fledged environmental protection status. Indeed, this is exactly what we are putting into the concept of “Ecopark Osokorky”.

Our friends-ecologists have prepared a scientific substantiation of nature reserve creation on this territory. Its basis was the justification of the need to create a landscape reserve of local significance, “Vysokyi Luh” (High Medow), created earlier with Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center's support.

All information on the conservation status of these areas is made in a separate section – Environmental justification.
Legal documents
We believe that the ultimate victory in creating the park can only be achieved on the legal front, so much effort has been particularly concentrated on the legal struggle. Below is a part of the documents submitted to various government agencies.

The petition to the Prosecutor’s Office dated 01.12.2017 on recognizing lease agreements for land plots invalid. The petition to the Prosecutor’s Office dated 05.02.2018 on recognizing lease agreements for land plots invalid (new arguments), the decision of the City Council on the approval of the DPT, etc.

The following responses were received: the response to the first petition and the second petition's response. Unfortunately, Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office did not want to support the community and satisfy our petition writing us back that we ourselves could act as a plaintiff on the above-mentioned cases. Simultaneously, such response of Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office was predictable and anticipated, as the evidence gathered by us testified that Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office in 2014 acted as an active participant in the “legalization” of illegal lease agreements of “Kontaktbudservice” LLC. Based on this, we have been prepared a petition to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, where we also point out the Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office's illegal inactivity. Unfortunately, this petition has remained unanswered.

A petition to the NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine) dated 13.12.2017 concerning Kyiv City officials' corruption offenses.

A response to this petition. We are waiting for the response. NABU is loaded with resonant affairs and reluctantly takes on things like ours.

A petition to Kyiv Council dated 07.12.2017. We have not received a reply, but our petition was added to the Petition materials.

Information request to the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine dated 09.01.2018 to clarify several questions. The reply was fascinating and positive.

Information request to Kyiv City State Administration dated 08.02.2018 to obtain permit documents from “Kontaktbudservice” LLC for performing construction south of Kolektorna Street. We received a reply (list of permits).

A petition to the Ecoinspection on inspecting compliance with the water protection rules requirements dated 08.02.2018.

Appeal to the Department of Urban Development and Architecture at Kyiv City State Administration dated 29.05.2018.

Appeal to the Land Resources Department at Kyiv City State Administration dated 29.05.2018.

The petition to the Kyiv City Council's deputies on the termination of lease contracts for land plots with “Kontaktbudservice” LLC. We sent out the corresponding petitions to all 120 deputies of Kyiv City Council.

Statement of claim dated 19.03.2018 to the District Administrative Court of Kyiv City on the cancellation of the permit for the 10/110 SS (Substation) construction of Nebrezh lakeshore.

Statement of claim dated 07.06.2018 to the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on the construction permit's cancellation between the lakes Nebrezh and Tiahle.

Reply to the deputy V.Ya. Bokhniak’s appeal regarding the affiliation of “Kontaktbudservice”, LLC land plots with the protected landscape zone.

Claims to the court
The claim dated March 19, 2018, to the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on the revocation of the permit for the construction of Substation 10/110 on Lake Neglect's shores.

The claim dated 07.06.2018 to the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on revoking the construction permit between Lakes Nebrezh and Tyagle.

The claim dated 01.10.2018 to the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on declaring illegal and revoking the Kyiv City Council's decision dated November 27, 2009 №695 / 2764 "On approval of the detailed plan of the Osokorky district in Darnytskyi administrative district of Kyiv."
Petition to Kyiv City State Administration
The Plan of measures aimed to realize the initiated in the electronic petition No. 713 “Landscape natural park instead of development of the southern.

The concept (with appendices) of the development of the Osokorky Westland Park territory is stated in the section Concept of the park.

Cooperation with international organizations
Articles of Association of “Ecopark Osokorky” NGO.
Activity reports
A new park or urban hell?
Help us to protect the nature for people

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